Why "India Outside India"?

Since I came to NYC I have been trying to capture for the benefit of my international friends what is ‘India’ or ‘Indianness’. We have discussed various facets of Indian people, culture, ways of meaning making and what it means to live as an Indian. It was also interesting when my international friends shared what they thought being Indian was/must be like for me. I have been capturing visuals that I thought express non-Indians’ perceptions about India and also the expressions/visuals shared by the Indian community in US that must be shaping this perception. After a year of gathering images and talking in my head about it I thought why not put it all down in a blog.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

In the Zoo

We finally went to see the Bronx Zoo. I was pretty impressed with the design of the zoo. Each animal had a spacious area cordoned off by chainlink fense. The tiger also had a viewing area which was made of glass. The viewing area also gave information about the Tiger, its habitat and the Tiger projects all over the world. We reached there at the feeding time and could see their caretakers feeding them and later playing with them.

The vast area was divided into continents and then in types of habitats. The markers were designed so that they created an ambiance of being in that area.

See these two images for the Himalayan region.

I was impressed to look at the peacocks roaming around without fear. Reminded me of Jaipur.