Why "India Outside India"?

Since I came to NYC I have been trying to capture for the benefit of my international friends what is ‘India’ or ‘Indianness’. We have discussed various facets of Indian people, culture, ways of meaning making and what it means to live as an Indian. It was also interesting when my international friends shared what they thought being Indian was/must be like for me. I have been capturing visuals that I thought express non-Indians’ perceptions about India and also the expressions/visuals shared by the Indian community in US that must be shaping this perception. After a year of gathering images and talking in my head about it I thought why not put it all down in a blog.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

The Red Dot

This is a painting in the lobby of Marshals on 125th street. Seems like they have tried to portray children of different ethnicity. The Indian girl is immediately noticeable with her Bindi and the hairstyle. The effect of the typical frock, hair braiding, bindi and the earrings is so amazing that I could see many of my school friends in that image.

Will try to find more about the artist and the motivation and share it on this blog.

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